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temporary blackout

  • 1 Blackout

    der Blackout
    * * *
    Black|out [blɛk'aut]
    1. nt or m -(s), -s, Black-out
    2. nt or m -(s), -s
    * * *
    Black·out, Black-outRR
    <-s, -s>
    [ˈblɛkʔaut, ˈblɛkˈʔaut, blɛkˈʔaut]
    1. (Gedächtnislücke) lapse of memory
    in Prüfungssituationen kommt es manchmal zu einem \Blackout during examinations one can sometimes have a mental block
    das muss er im völligen \Blackout getan haben he must have done that in a complete fog
    3. (Stromausfall) blackout
    * * *
    das od. der; Blackout[s], Blackouts blackout
    * * *
    Black-out, Blackout [ˈblɛkaut] m oder n; -(s), -s
    1. (Erinnerungsverlust) (mental) blackout;
    ich hatte einen Black-out my mind went completely blank ( oder was a complete blank), I had a (mental) blackout; (momentane Unzurechnungsfähigkeit) (temporary oder mental) blackout; temporary lapse; MED durch Kreislaufstörung: blackout;
    einen Black-out haben auch black out, pass out
    2. THEAT blackout
    3. MIL (Verdunk[e]lung) blackout; (totaler Stromausfall) power cut
    4. PHYS Raumfahrt: blackout
    * * *
    das od. der; Blackout[s], Blackouts blackout

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Blackout

  • 2 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) strømafbrydelse; mørklægning
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) mørklægning; sendeforbud
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) bevidsthedstab; black out
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) klappen går ned
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) strømafbrydelse
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) lysslukning; black out
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) strømafbrydelse; mørklægning
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) mørklægning; sendeforbud
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) bevidsthedstab; black out
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) klappen går ned
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) strømafbrydelse
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) lysslukning; black out

    English-Danish dictionary > blackout

  • 3 blackout

    1) Verdunkelung, die; (Theatre, Radio) Blackout, der

    news blackout — Nachrichtensperre, die

    2) (Med.)

    I had a blackout — ich verlor das Bewusstsein

    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) die Verdunkelung
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) die Nachrichtensperre
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) kurze Ohnmacht
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.)
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.)
    * * *
    1. (unconsciousness) Ohnmachtsanfall m
    to suffer from \blackouts unter Ohnmachtsanfällen leiden
    2. (in broadcasting) [Strom]ausfall m; (loss of picture) Bildausfall m; (loss of sound) Tonausfall m
    3. (censor) Sperre f
    to impose a news \blackout eine Nachrichtensperre verhängen
    4. (covering of lights) Verdunkelung f
    * * *
    1. besonders MIL Blackout n/m, Verdunk(e)lung f
    2. THEAT Blackout n/m:
    b) kleinerer Sketch, der mit einer scharfen Pointe und plötzlichem Verdunkeln endet
    3. MED Blackout n/m:
    a) zeitweiliger Ausfall des Sehvermögens unter der Einwirkung hoher Beschleunigung oder bei Kreislaufstörungen
    b) plötzlich auftretender, kurzzeitiger Verlust des Bewusstseins, Erinnerungsvermögens etc
    4. MED Ohnmacht f, Bewusstlosigkeit f
    5. Blackout n/m:
    a) PHYS Aussetzen des Kurzwellenempfangs durch den Einfluss von Röntgenstrahlen der Sonne
    b) Raumfahrt: Unterbrechung des Funkkontakts zwischen Raumschiff und Bodenstation
    6. TV
    a) (streikbedingter) Programmausfall, Stilllegung f des Sendebetriebs
    b) Ausdunk(e)lung f (eines Gebiets)
    7. TV US Austasten n:
    blackout signal Austastsignal n
    8. ( besonders Nachrichten)Sperre f:
    draw a blackout over eine Nachrichtensperre verhängen über (akk)
    9. a) TECH und fig Ausfall m
    b) Blackout n/m, totaler Stromausfall
    * * *
    1) Verdunkelung, die; (Theatre, Radio) Blackout, der

    news blackout — Nachrichtensperre, die

    2) (Med.)
    * * *
    (electricity) n.
    Stromausfall m. n.
    Ausfall -¨e m.
    Ohnmacht -¨e f.
    Sperre -n f.

    English-german dictionary > blackout

  • 4 blackout

    1) (in wartime) oscuramento m.
    2) (power cut) blackout m.
    3) rad. telev. oscuramento m.
    4) giorn. blackout m.
    5) (faint) svenimento m., perdita f. dei sensi; (loss of memory) perdita f. di memoria
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) interruzione della corrente elettrica
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) oscuramento
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) perdita dei sensi
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) vuoto di memoria
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) interruzione della corrente elettrica
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) oscuramento
    * * *
    blackout /ˈblækaʊt/
    2 blackout; interruzione della corrente elettrica
    3 ( per estens.) interruzione delle comunicazioni; soppressione di notizie: news (o press) blackout, silenzio stampa; radio blackout, silenzio radio
    4 perdita dei sensi; svenimento
    blackout blinds, tende oscuranti.
    * * *
    1) (in wartime) oscuramento m.
    2) (power cut) blackout m.
    3) rad. telev. oscuramento m.
    4) giorn. blackout m.
    5) (faint) svenimento m., perdita f. dei sensi; (loss of memory) perdita f. di memoria

    English-Italian dictionary > blackout

  • 5 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) apagón
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) bloqueo (informativo)
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) amnesia temporal, pérdida de consciencia
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) lapsus mental; (neurología) desmayo
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) apagón
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) oscuro
    2 (fainting) pérdida de conocimiento, desmayo
    blackout ['blæk.aʊt] n
    1) : apagón m (de poder eléctrico)
    2) faint: desmayo m, desvanecimiento m
    amnesia o ceguera temporal s.f.
    apagón (ELD, INF) s.m.
    1) ( loss of consciousness) desvanecimiento m, desmayo m

    to have a blackout — tener* or sufrir un desvanecimiento

    2) ( in wartime) oscurecimiento de la ciudad para que ésta no sea visible desde los aviones enemigos
    a) ( power failure) apagón m
    b) ( embargo)
    1. N
    1) (Elec) apagón m
    2) (Med) desmayo m
    3) (of news) bloqueo m informativo, apagón m informativo

    there was a media blackout at the request of the police — hubo un bloqueo informativo en los medios de comunicación a petición de la policía

    * * *
    1) ( loss of consciousness) desvanecimiento m, desmayo m

    to have a blackout — tener* or sufrir un desvanecimiento

    2) ( in wartime) oscurecimiento de la ciudad para que ésta no sea visible desde los aviones enemigos
    a) ( power failure) apagón m
    b) ( embargo)

    English-spanish dictionary > blackout

  • 6 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) mørklegging, blending
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) sendeforbud
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) blackout, jernteppe
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) jernteppe
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) strømbrudd
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) slokking av scenebelysning
    subst. \/ˈblækaʊt\/
    1) ( medisin) blackout, midlertidig bevisstløshet, midlertidig tap av syn, jernteppe, midlertidig hukommelsestap
    2) ( også overført) mørklegging
    3) strømavbrudd
    4) ( radio) forstyrrelse(r), brudd i sendingen
    5) ( teater) slukking av scenelyset
    6) ( sport) forklaring: lokal-TV får ikke vise en lokal kamp hvis ikke kampen er utsolgt
    mental blackout jernteppe, hukommelsestap

    English-Norwegian dictionary > blackout

  • 7 blackout

    n. strömavbrott, avbrott; mörkläggning, släckning; tillfällig medvetslöshet
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) mörkläggning
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) mörkläggning
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) blackout, tillfällig medvetslöshet
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) blackout, tillfällig minnesförlust
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) elavbrott
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) släckning av scenbelysningen

    English-Swedish dictionary > blackout

  • 8 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) myrkvun
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) bann
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) tímabundið óminni
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.)
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > blackout

  • 9 blackout

    pillanatnyi eszméletvesztés, elsötétítés
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) elsötétítés
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) hírzárlat
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) eszméletvesztés
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) pillanatnyi memóriazavar v. emlékezetkihagyás
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) áramszünet
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) elsötétítés

    English-Hungarian dictionary > blackout

  • 10 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) quebra de electricidade
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) supressão
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) perda de consciência
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.)
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blackout

  • 11 blackout

    n. karartma, kararm; bayılma, kendinden geçme; yayının kesilmesi; örtbas etme, gizli tutma
    v. karartmak, kendinden geçmek, bayılmak, kendini kaybetmek
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) karartma
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) yasaklama
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) bayılma, baygınlık, kendinden geçme
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) hafıza kaybı
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) elektrik kesilmesi
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) sahne ışıklarını söndürme

    English-Turkish dictionary > blackout

  • 12 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) izpad toka, zatemnitev
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) prekinitev
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) globoka nezavest
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) luknja v spominu
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) zatemnitev
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) zatemnitev

    English-Slovenian dictionary > blackout

  • 13 blackout

    • ajatuskatko
    • radiopimennys
    • katkos (ATK)
    • sammutus
    • sähkökatkos
    • pimennys
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) pimennys, katkos
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) pimennys
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) tajunnanmenetys
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.)
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > blackout

  • 14 blackout

    ( in wartime) zaciemnienie nt; ( power cut) przerwa f w dostawie energii elektrycznej; (TV, RADIO) zagłuszanie nt; ( faint) (krótkotrwała) utrata f przytomności
    * * *
    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) zaciemnienie
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) zakaz publikacji
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) czasowa utrata przytomności
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) zamroczenie
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) przerwa w dopływie prądu
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) wygaszenie

    English-Polish dictionary > blackout

  • 15 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) aptumšošana
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) (ziņu publicēšanas) aizliegums
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) samaņas zaudēšana
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) (īslaicīga) prāta aptumšošanās
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) elektriskās strāvas izslēgšana (bojājuma dēļ)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) (skatuves gaismu) izslēgšana

    English-Latvian dictionary > blackout

  • 16 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) užtemdymas
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) įslaptinimas
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) sąmonės praradimas
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) proto užtemimas
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) elektros srovės nutrūkimas
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) scenos šviesų užgesimas/išjungimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > blackout

  • 17 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) výpadek proudu
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) zastavení, přerušení, zákaz
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) (přechodná) ztráta vědomí
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) (přechodná) ztráta paměti
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) výpadek proudu
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) zhasnutí/vypnutí jeištních světel
    * * *
    • zatemňující
    • zatemnění
    • ztráta vědomí

    English-Czech dictionary > blackout

  • 18 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) výpadok prúdu
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) zákaz
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) strata vedomia
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) krátkodobá strata (vedomia, pamäte), okno
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) dočasné vyradenie z činnosti
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) zhasnutie, vypnutie svetiel na javisku
    * * *
    • zatemnit
    • zatemnenie
    • strata vedomia

    English-Slovak dictionary > blackout

  • 19 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) pană de curent
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) interzicere (a ştirilor)
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) pierdere a cunoştinţei
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.)
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.)
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > blackout

  • 20 blackout

    1) (a period of darkness produced by putting out all lights: Accidents increase during a blackout.) συσκότιση
    2) (a ban (on news etc): a blackout of news about the coup.) απαγόρευση ειδήσεων
    3) (a period of unconsciousness: He has had several blackouts during his illness.) λιποθυμία
    4) (a brief, temporary loss of memory, as when an actor forgets his/her lines.) σκοτοδίνη
    5) ((also outage) a period of a general power failure.) διακοπή ρεύματος
    6) ((in the theatre) the putting out of the stage lights at the end of a scene etc.) (στο θέατρο) σβήσιμο των φώτων στο τέλος σκηνής

    English-Greek dictionary > blackout

См. также в других словарях:

  • Blackout Records — Blackout! Records was an independent record label which specialized in the hardcore punk genre. It was formed in 1988 by Bill Wilson ndash; now forever known as Bill Blackout ndash; and, together with friend Jim Gibson, they the label released… …   Wikipedia

  • blackout — [blak′out΄] n. 1. a) the extinguishing of all stage lights to end a play or scene b) a comic stage skit ending with a quick blackout 2. an elimination or concealing of all lights that might be visible to an enemy, as during an air raid, at night… …   English World dictionary

  • blackout — ► NOUN 1) a period when all lights must be turned out to prevent them being seen by the enemy during an air raid. 2) a sudden failure or dimming of electric lights. 3) a temporary loss of consciousness. 4) an official suppression of information:… …   English terms dictionary

  • blackout — /blak owt /, n. 1. the extinguishing or concealment of all visible lights in a city, military post, etc., usually as a precaution against air raids. 2. a period during a massive power failure when the lack of electricity for illumination results… …   Universalium

  • blackout — 1. Temporary loss of consciousness due to decreased blood flow to the brain. 2. Momentary loss of consciousness, as in absence. 3. Temporary loss of vision, without alteration of consciousness, due to positive g (g …   Medical dictionary

  • blackout — noun Date: 1913 1. a. a turning off of the stage lighting to separate scenes in a play or end a play or skit; also a skit that ends with a blackout b. a period of darkness enforced as a precaution against air raids c. a period of darkness (as in… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • blackout — black•out [[t]ˈblækˌaʊt[/t]] n. 1) mil the extinguishing or concealment of all visible lights, usu. as a precaution against air raids 2) elm a period of failure of all electrical power, sometimes caused by an unusually heavy demand for… …   From formal English to slang

  • Blackout Period — 1. A term that refers to a temporary period in which access is limited or denied. 2. A period of around 60 days during which employees of a company with a retirement or investment plan cannot modify their plans. Notice must be given to employees… …   Investment dictionary

  • blackout — i. A condition of temporary loss of vision, possibly also loss of consciousness, resulting from the effect of high and sustained positive acceleration (g) on the body. A condition that occurs at g value higher than 1 that causes gray out.… …   Aviation dictionary

  • blackout — noun 1》 a period when all lights must be turned out or covered to prevent them being seen by the enemy during an air raid.     ↘(blackouts) Brit. dark curtains put up in windows during an air raid.     ↘a sudden failure or dimming of electric… …   English new terms dictionary

  • blackout — /ˈblækaʊt / (say blakowt) noun 1. the extinguishing of all visible lights in a city, etc., as a wartime protection. 2. the extinguishing or failure of light as in a power failure. 3. Theatre the extinguishing of all stage lights. 4. temporary… …  

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